Find your song
Karaoke Mountain uses a giant catalog of 45,000+ songs with new songs being added everyday! Can’t find what you’re looking for? Let us know and we’ll be happy to find the song of your dreams!
Covid friendly karaoke
your safety is our #1 Priority
Karaoke Mountain takes Covid prevention seriously and takes additional measures to insure your safety which includes:
- Mic Sanitation – Each time a singer finishes a song, mics are heavily sanitized before being given to the next singer in the queue.
- Disposable Mic Covers – Available upon request, these disposable mic covers effortlessly slip onto the top of the microphone offering extra protection for those at risk and can be used for the entirety of the event.
- Contactless Songbooks – Gone are the days of searching through big and dirty songbooks to make a request. QR Codes conveniently placed around the venue allow singers to find their song in a way that is easy and safe just by using your phone.
Helping singers find their voice
Karaoke Mountain strives to create a fun, all-inclusive environment at every show with hosts that value diversity and respect and ensure all patrons do the same.
PLEASE – Use good judgment and choose to not sing certain words if patrons may find that word offensive!
We understand karaoke can sometimes be intimidating! Our hosts never cast judgement to any singer and will make accommodations where necessary to ensure everyone has only the best karaoke experience!